EOCF Staff, Community Members, and/or Partners that are planning on visiting any EOCF Early Learning Center or EOCF Administration building, must fill out the following Daily Health Check. The checklist is accessible by mobile device or computer.

The EOCF Administrative Office has moved! Our new physical address is 2219 NE 138th Ave, Bldg 100 Vancouver, WA 98684. Please send mail to our new mailing address at PO Box 872770 Vancouver, WA 98687-2770.

To EOCF Supporters, Staff, and Families:

It is our duty to take a moment to address the current aggression against Ukraine, an attack that will result in lives lost and consequences to our global peace and security. EOCF publicly denounces this unconscionable action. We stand in solidarity against this violence with our Ukrainian children and families and their global community of supporters.

Throughout 2021 and 2022, Russian military buildup on the border of Ukraine has escalated tensions between the two countries which has further strained relations between the two. It should be noted that the United States has sent strong communications that invasion will be met with dire consequences for the flow of international economic relations. Today, on Thursday, February 23, 2022, Russian forces launched a full-scale assault on Ukraine, with its military attacking the country from the north, east and south.

Educational Opportunities for Children & Families (EOCF) serves families and employs staff that are both Ukrainian and Russian. We do not make assumptions about anyone’s position, background, or beliefs. We recognize that multiple communities are hurting. Our job is to continue to create an environment of inclusion and safety for our children, families, and staff.


Talking To Your Children

For adults, this conflict is difficult to understand – and when talking to our young ones about similar topics, it can be extremely challenging. If your child is asking questions, please use your best judgement with focus on how they are feeling. Many of our young ones cannot understand the extent and ramifications of these conflicts, so it is ideal to keep things as simple as possible for their understanding.

  • Take the child’s lead! Find out what they are hearing and expand on their questions.
  • Encourage compassion and avoid harmful stereotypes.
  • Point out the people who are helping and encourage mindfulness.
  • How to Talk to Children About War: An Age-By-Age Guide

Remember, stressful times like these can act as a catalyst for unusual actions or outbursts from our children (and sometimes even our fellow adults). Taking a moment to think before reacting is vital during this time.


Stress Reduction & Mental Wellness

We want to remind you that your safety and well-being is essential to your success and the culture here at EOCF. We value every one of you and want you to know that if you are struggling during this challenging time, we are here. If you are feeling overwhelmed, consider taking a break from the stimulus by getting some fresh air and doing some self-care.

Here are a few more ways to take a moment to regroup:


News & Updates


This international conflict is affecting everyone differently. Please check-in with yourself and let us know how we can help.