EOCF Staff, Community Members, and/or Partners that are planning on visiting any EOCF Early Learning Center or EOCF Administration building, must fill out the following Daily Health Check. The checklist is accessible by mobile device or computer.

The EOCF Administrative Office has moved! Our new physical address is 2219 NE 138th Ave, Bldg 100 Vancouver, WA 98684. Please send mail to our new mailing address at PO Box 872770 Vancouver, WA 98687-2770.

To our community of children and families, staff and partners:

UPDATE: June 2020

Dear EOCF Parents and Community Members,

June 2020:

EOCF continues to offer our services virtually as we continue to align with Washington’s K-12 school system guidelines the remainder of the current school year. We are not certain when our Full Day Full Year program will start up, but it could happen as soon as early June.  We are keeping a close eye on the current phases that Clark County is in and will plan to be responsive accordingly.  As the broader work force is brought back into businesses, EOCF has a critical role in filling the childcare gap.   Our taskforce is thinking through all of the ways to ensure safety for children, families, and staff.

EOCF administration building remains closed, but we are continuing our work remotely to ensure the agency runs smoothly and consistently. There is currently a Multidisciplinary taskforce that is working on a plan to bring employees back.  We will be sharing information in the coming weeks on the agency-wide staggered approach with protocols.

April 2020:

EOCF plans to continue to operate with its Alternative Service Delivery model through the end of the school year, in alignment with our K-12 systems.  This means all Part-Day programs, Duration programs thru Full-Day Full-Year programs will continue to provide virtual learning, and supportive services to our families until further notice.  This also means that our Administration building will be closed until further notice. Support services, operations, ERSEA and administrative services will continue to telecommute and provide services virtually.  Nutrition will continue to provide modified nutrition services to our families, and the broader community with a weekly food box distribution.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate through these unprecedented events. Please know that we are working diligently to ensure the best outcome for our children and families, and we look forward to being fully operational as soon as possible.

Take good care,

Rekah Strong, MSW

Executive DIrector

As of March 11, 2020:     Clark County Public Health issued recommendations for populations at higher risk of serious illness from COVID-19

WA State Public Health is recommending – but not requiring – that people at higher risk stay home and stay away from large groups of people as much as possible. This includes large public gatherings where there will be close contact with others, such as large church services, conventions, sporting events and concerts.

People at higher risk of serious illness from COVID-19 include:

  • People older than 60.
  • People who have serious chronic medical conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease and lung disease.
  • People who have weakened immune systems.

The recommendation for serious chronic medical conditions and/or weakened immune systems is not age dependent.

Staff, children and families who fall into these high risk categories should seek guidance from their Primary Care Physician and/or Medical Specialist.

Staff and families need to continue to stay vigilant on hand washing and staying home when ill.

Thank you to each staff person for continuing the great work that you do and for working with staff, children and families on hand washing and staying home when ill

The updates and recommendations are ever changing and we continue to communicate with public health and update staff and families of any new restrictions or guidance.

March 9, 2020

To our community of children and families, staff and partners:

Your health and safety is our highest priority. As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread, we’d like to share some of the actions we are taking to help protect you.

EOCF is committed to a healthy and safe environment for all of our children and families, staff and partners.  We have implemented plans for increased control measures at each site and are communicating and collaborating with county health departments as well as our partner school districts.

EOCF follows the WA State Department of Health and Washington preschool/child care laws regarding daily and weekly cleaning and sanitizing of the classroom and toys, guidelines for diapering and toileting, illness and exclusion policy and procedures for children and staff who are sick, USDA and health department inspected food services and WA State Immunization laws.

EOCF has a vigilant hand washing policy and procedure that is followed in each classroom.

All staff, children and visitors staying at a classroom are asked to wash their hands upon arrival, sign in and out of attendance at the classroom, to continue hand washing throughout the day and at designated and appropriate hand wash times.

Our health team provides ongoing support to classrooms with illness outbreaks and follows Clark County Public Health and WA State Public Health guidelines when handling outbreaks of illness or reportable conditions.

Classrooms have gloves and other personal protective items to use when assisting sick children who are awaiting pick up and to wear when cleaning up after a child who has become ill.

We understand that this issue is cause for concern to many, and we offer our deepest sympathies to those who have already been affected.

EOCF will continue to communicate with you if there is new information or if the situation changes.  We encourage ongoing communication between our families, teachers, site supervisors, and partners.  If you have specific questions related to COVID-19, we encourage you to contact your primary care provider.  Additional resource links are included here.


EOCF Executive Management and Health Team