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Meet The Clay Family, a valued Program Family of EOCF, celebrated for their efforts in utilizing various programs EOCF has to offer while working to better themselves for the next generation in their family.


Next Generation Support

The holistic care that EOCF provides is encouraging. It provides a platform for growth for the entire family. Since enrolled in the prenatal and Pre-K programs, both Gary and Nakia feel that all three of their children, Isaiah, Magnus, and Louise, were so much more equipped to succeed in Kindergarten, and the journey to follow.


A Bright Future

Isaiah and Magnus, the Clay Family’s oldest children, were both born preemies, weighing around 2 lbs each. Worried about how they would develop, parents Gary and Nakia understood the importance of prioritizing their involvement in early learning. Approached with information of EOCF from their community, Gary and Nakia Clay enrolled their oldest son, Isaiah, in Part-Day Head Start programs. As time went on, Isaiah’s skills developed and they witnessed positive growth in a variety of ways, which inspired them to enroll him in Full-Day Head Start education. With a younger child still at home and another on the way, Nakia felt that Magnus could benefit from the Early Head Start programs so Nakia enrolled him in Home Based learning, meanwhile enrolling herself in the Prenatal Early Head Start program for her future daughter, Louise.

As 3 year old’s do, Isaiah socialized with peers and inquired about all things in the classroom, while the Home Based Early Head Start learner, Magnus, was introduced to curriculum within the family’s home by EOCF’s Child & Family Educators, learning about good habits, object recognition, and language, weekly. As the children grew, EOCF became the primary provider of the Clay Family’s education, now having Head Start enrolled children and future graduates.


“EOCF helped my kids build confidence in themselves and laid a solid educational foundation. EOCF instilled routine, fostered learning in every way, encouraged creativity and curiosity, and made my kids feel valued.”
Nakia Clay, Program Parent & EOCF’s Accounting Manager


Developing Skills

As a program parent, Nakia was intrigued by the opportunity to advocate for change within the organization and became a member of the Parent Policy Council. Similarly to the role of a Board of Directors, the Policy Council is an essential part of the Head Start and Early Head Start program structure. As members of the organization’s leadership, the Policy Council makes decisions about how the program spends money, what the children do within their classrooms, and how the program works with community partners.

By trying new things like public speaking, advocating to Elected Officials, reviewing financial reports, or assessing agency policies, she knew she wanted to continue supporting EOCF long-after her children became graduates. Empowered by her new leadership role, she was ignited with a curiosity that allowed her to step outside her comfort zone and progress in her professional development. And in 2021, Nakia was hired as the Accounting Manager for the organization.


Empowering Everyone

The resources the Clay Family received were tailored to their needs as challenges presented or when opportunities opened. When considering the ways to educate their children at home, they learned that they “didn’t have to go out and buy all those expensive learning systems and toys…” they could teach their kids with normal everyday things and experiences around the house. When approaching wellness within the home, EOCF provided focus on nutrition and has inspired their lifestyle – even supporting Gary’s current progress as a student at Clark College’s Culinary Arts program.





Read more of EOCF’s Success Stories, here!