Leading a Legacy
of Change
As one of the largest social service organizations in Southwest Washington, EOCF is dedicated to serving children and families furthest from opportunity.

Early Head Start
Full-day, full-year, center-based, and home-based programs provide quality infant and toddler childcare.
Ages: 4 Weeks to 36 Months

Head Start
Full-day, full-year, center-based, and home-based programs provide quality preschool and childcare.
Ages: 3 to 5 Years

Early Childhood Education & Assistance Program (ECEAP)
Part-day, part-year, and center-based programs provide quality preschool and childcare.
Ages: 3 to 5 Years

Donate to EOCF
Your monetary gifts help further the mission and legacy of serving at-risk children and families throughout Southwest Washington. With your impact, we can make an investment in the future, focusing on the health and security of generations to come.

Careers at EOCF
EOCF welcomes growing professionals and talented team-players to provide comprehensive early childhood education and family support programs that make a transformational impact.
Success Stories
Meet Kylie & Angela’s Family
Read through an interview with Yvette to learn how her family's life has...
Meet Tristan’s Family
Read through an interview with Maura and Tristan to learn how their family's...
Meet The Culp Family
Read through an interview with The Culp...
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